Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Young Victoria - You'll enjoy this. She has a real flair for description.

So I’m not one to love the love stories, however this one I really enjoyed. This might be because it was based on truth and actual events. The Young Victoria was a beautiful film that definitely met my expectations. I was taken aback by the graceful, vibrant wardrobe, which brought to the film the essence of the coming Victorian age. Jean-Marc Vallee (director) created scenes that showed the grandeur of the palaces and the beauty of the countryside. All the actors (and there were a lot) worked together seamlessly to enhance the retelling of the turbulent first years of Queen Victoria’s reign. But at the base of the film there is a story of love. A love that was resilient and true, even in the face of strife.
The story showed us the complex relationships of monarchy with Victoria in the middle being pulled every which way except the way she’d prefer. Coincidently, the mood of the movie reminded me of Elizabeth, but Victoria (Emily Blunt) had more of a romantic air to her character. When conflict came she was strong as well as portraying a softness and a vulnerability, which made her seem much more real. Also, the secondary characters brought a depth to the film that made it believable and realistic. One of my favorite characters was the Duchess of Sutherland (Rachel Stirling) she had such a quiet, almost translucent countenance, which fit her character and played well into the storyline of the film. I also loved King William who was played by Jim Broadbent with an exuberant flair that was fitting for a king. However, be warned, if you don’t pay attention, it would be easy to get lost in all the dukes and duchesses.
From the beginning of the film Emily Blunt commanded the performance of Victoria with a regal air that was even evident in her articulation of her words. Blunt’s Victoria displayed emotions that gave her an accessibility to the audience. She was fearful, temperamental, and even lonely at times, but throughout it all she relied on herself (and Albert) and remained strong. Now, if you know your history, you are not surprised that Prince Albert (Rupert Friend) is the suitor she chose to be her husband. Friend brought a pure and lovable quality to Albert, which makes it easy for him to weave his way into the hearts of the audience. You will love him from the start. The two have a wonderful chemistry together.
This film is a recollection of the beginning of the longest reigning monarchy to date, but foremost it was a love story. Showing that even though Victoria was queen, ruler of all England, she was also a woman that wanted a man to help her enjoy the game of life. 

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